Monday 10 November 2014

Good morning at uni, lots of work to do now. I have to finish my history project and have it handed in before next week. I also have to sort out the research on my next one. I was at a remembrance ceremony yesterday and saw something that made me come home and start writing a poem that I need to type up and edit. Better get on then.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Lets do it

 This is my first ever blog, so I am a little unsure what this will sound like;but here goes.
I am a pensioner; who at the age of 68 has just got back into education. I have started at Glyndwr University on a three year BA(Hons) course in History & Creative Writing. I am enjoying every minute of this; although I do find some of it a bit confusing at times. I have been advised by another member of the class that the best thing to do is open a blog and get writing as much as possible. So this is the start of that process. I have started a story on the birth of a man in 1798 who was transported to Australia in 1819 and raised a family over there. The research to this is taking some time and is very interesting. I am also covering the topography of Chester over the last 2000 years & the economics of Wrexham in the early part of the 1800s. This is very motivating to get off ones backside and to do the research, both at Ruthin and Wrexham archive.